Kane Tuesday, July 14th 2015. This was to be his second last day on earth. My beautiful boy lost this last battle 💙

into the light

Into the light

My beloved Kane passed away on Wednesday July 15th 2015, only 8 years old.
I carried him out i to his beloved forest, where he could put his nose into the wind for the last time here on this earth with us.

It rained when we sat down on a little hill under big, old trees. Then the sun broke through - as the vet came and met us, and Kane left us for good.

This last battle with the brain damage your illness led to, was one not even you could win. I know you did everything to stay with me, like you always did, but this time your big heart and strong will weren't enough.

I will never forget you, I have lost my shadow. But there will be joy in the future - as there will be more dogs. And I still have your little brother-in-arms here, Ponny survived you - like he survived the dog you followed, my beautiful black Panter. I hope you and Panter will meet somewhere, it is a nice thought - you will like her. If not, and there is nothing after this - not even for dogs - your time here was short, intense and lived to the full, every day.

On these pages, you can follow the life and adventures of Kane, the Australian Cattledog registered as Whoelse's B-Benjiman, who in September 2007 moved from a farm in the countryside of Sweden to become an urban city boy in the middle of Oslo together with his new best friend and faithful sidekick Ponny the Lancashire Heeler.

All photos are copyrighted, and may not be used without written permission.

The two boys share a similar interest in ownership of anything from old bones to the choicest pillow on the couch to sleep on, and both want what the other guy has. They make a great team, all we lack now are some cows, so in the meantime they practice on each other!

Kane in 2009

Anne Lise Ytreberg 04.01.2011 15:08

hei og takk for sist ja! Godt å høre du fikk nytte av noe;) ta bare kontakt igjen :)

Katerina 05.12.2010 19:58

Hello Gitte and Kane,
super results!!! Congratulations very much and Happy New year
Best regards from Crech republic,
Katerina, Eva and father Expert

Danette 15.11.2010 20:59

Gutta boys, Bare og Jippiie hilser..

Marie-Louise 27.09.2010 10:15

Hej! Jag tänkte bara göra ett tassavtryck från Kanes syster Besse, hon bor hos mig nu :)

Gitte 30.09.2010 11:44

Hei, så trevlig! Møtte Besse som valp, tror det ligger noe kort på henne her inne? Skal se etter

Else 27.09.2010 07:55

Vilken härlig team koncentration !

123minsida.se 03.12.2009 20:57

Grattis! Nu har du kommit igång med kommentarer på din hemsida. Kom ihåg att berätta om det för familj och vänner. Ha riktigt roligt
Mvh, 123minsida.se

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Senaste kommentarer

03.09 | 16:52

Looks awesome! I need to go on a trip like that! :) www.dyreplassen.no

28.03 | 11:17

Så kul å høre fra dere! Du fant bilder av det flotte søskenparet i yngre dager?

28.03 | 11:10

Hej Gitte och Pony! En hälsning från din åldrande syster i Sverige Little Lupi, Luppan. Roligt att titta på bilderna! / Lollo och Luppan

14.10 | 16:15

Takk Nina, hyggelig å høre!

03.09 | 16:52

Looks awesome! I need to go on a trip like that! :) www.dyreplassen.no

28.03 | 11:17

Så kul å høre fra dere! Du fant bilder av det flotte søskenparet i yngre dager?

28.03 | 11:10

Hej Gitte och Pony! En hälsning från din åldrande syster i Sverige Little Lupi, Luppan. Roligt att titta på bilderna! / Lollo och Luppan

14.10 | 16:15

Takk Nina, hyggelig å høre!